Over at Vimeo, someone called teamfresh has produced an astonishingly high definition journey into the depths of the Mandlebrot set. It's about 10 minutes long, so fetch a cup of tea (or perhaps a mild cigar), fire up the HDTV, sit back and enjoy.
Orange Woman
Submitted by Andrew on Mon, 02/01/2010 - 17:54Another one from Replete, by the look of it. This piece has existed since at least early November 2009, but I didn't get a good photo until today. It's done over the top of his Orange and Blue Woman.
Auto Graf
Submitted by Andrew on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 14:12Autograf (great name, heh) are Leeds-based artists who produce graffiti paint jobs for cars. I spotted their van loitering near the Blue Coyote.
There are more art cars on the Autograf website, including a rather hawesome graveyard-themed hearse, perfect for disposing of Goths.
We Support the Bin Men
Submitted by Andrew on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 13:54The bin men have been on strike in Leeds for over two months now. Signs like this were a common sight in Hyde Park during the early weeks of the strike, but this is the only one I can find now.
The bin which says "155 HPR" is a couple of blocks from home. They move around a lot.