
Astonishing Fractal Animation

Over at Vimeo, someone called teamfresh has produced an astonishingly high definition journey into the depths of the Mandlebrot set. It's about 10 minutes long, so fetch a cup of tea (or perhaps a mild cigar), fire up the HDTV, sit back and enjoy.

Kylie goes acoustic in her dressing room

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This is just lovely.

(via AudioPorn Central.)

8-Bit Trip - Astounding Lego Stop-Motion

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Quite simply stunning. It's all done in Lego bricks - 1500 hours of work!

(Youtube, via Laughing Squid.)

Trekkie Plays Star Trek Theme On Theremin

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I'm not much of a Trek fan, but I do like a nice bit of Theremin. This is rather tastefully done.

(via Audioporn Central.)

SABRE - Unleash the Force Within You

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Yep. It's good.

Unity Day 2008 Documentary

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The video made by Abdul and Mags from the Oblong Design Collective.

Watch out for yours truly, a minute into the film - my eyes look really googly!

There's a lovely moment where the narrator (Sarah from Oblong) very nearly manages to fluff her lines when describing our canine friends. I think it needed a few takes!

Hyde Park Graffit Documentary

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I think they're killing people.

Here's a council spokesman who thinks that painting pictures on a wall will lead to an early grave. Apparently it's because graffiti causes obesity. It all makes sense...

Wedding Crashers, Cake Wrecks Style

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(via Cake Wrecks).

Visions of Terror!

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Oh man. This is really scary. hehehehehe.

Happy Samhain!

Update (9th nov):
More details at