
Season Words

the season word should
give a sense of where and when
the shit hits the fan

Today is the first day of autumn, so here's a "seasonal" haiku.

I found some haiku scribbles, probably from about this time last year, and finished this one off. It's an attempt at meta-haiku — a haiku about haiku, if you'll pardon the pretension.

Fancy Dress Haiku

Fancy dress party.
A young Marilyn Monroe
Spills wine on her dress.

We've all been there, haven't we?

I composed this one the other evening, while dozing off to sleep. When the idea came to me I leapt out of bed to write it down, so I wouldn't lose it. It only needed a little tweak in the morning.

Here's Another Fine Jacket You've Got Me Into

Andrew poses in a bright blue tailcoat, with hot pink lapels, and a bowler hat.

Saturday was the Unity Day 2009 hospitality night - and yours truly was compère for the evening. I borrowed this marvelous tailcoat from the Ladybird's bottomless circus wardrobe. I don't know that pink and blue are my best colours, but it was fun to wear and got plenty of compliments.

The hospitality night is a chance for the Unity Day volunteers to catch up with each other, let our hair down and have a jolly good knees-up. We do it every year as our way of saying thanks to each other for helping to make Unity Day happen. Lots of us like to dress up to the nines, making a change from muddy boots and steward t-shirts.

There was music from some great local bands: anarchic dance from big-band Bassa Bassa, easy-groovin' reggae from The Roots Family UK, and the oddly named Ukelele Bitchslap, who are lovely. Many thanks to all of them for coming along to entertain us. Between bands I slipped in a recital of Three Ha'pence A Foot by Marriott Edgar, to show folk just how bad the rain could have been.

An exquisite new patchwork Unity banner was shown off by Maggie and Kerri, the new Unity Day wall calendar was passed around, and we saw video and photos from this year's main event. Plus, the home-made curry was superb.

Now the serious business of the Christmas panto can begin...

Athletic Haiku

Javelin thrower
Releases the perfect throw.
The world holds it's breath.

Not sure about this one. I like the image, but the wording might be a clumsy. I was trying to avoid using throw and thrower, but gave up. It'll do as it is.

Festival Downpour

Festival downpour
Up to our knees in the mud
The show must go on

I must stop using "festival" as a season word in haiku. It's starting to feel like a cop-out.

Glastonbury Haiku

Festival chill-out.
A worn-out juggler drinks tea
In a crazy chair.

For Orde, outside the Ladybird at Glastonbury Festival 2009.

The King of Pop

Festival rumour
That no one wants to believe...
Is he really dead?

Glastonbury Festival 2009.

Bath-time Haiku

Settling in the bath
Warm waters rising about
The telephone rings

I found this old haiku while sifting through some old papers. It was probably written around 2000, while I lived in my previous home. I remember composing it in my old rocking chair (not in the bath, which would have been cooler), but don't recall writing it down.

By the way, I never get out of the bath to answer the phone. All too often it rings off and I'm left dripping over my living room rug. It's just not worth it.

Perhaps if I had a waterproof bath phone. But will it float?

A Night of Mirth and Merriment

This year's Unity Day fund-raisers are getting off to a flying start... and I'll be there telling a story or two.

A Night of Gypsy & Folk Music, Mirth and Merriment

Friday 20th March
TJ's Woodhouse Club

Na Zdrove (DJ set)
Tatu Carreta
Pretty Polly's Beard (including celiah!)
Claudio the Gypsy Spy
Banat Eshorouk - Arabian Dance Group

8pm 'till late!
£4 - all proceeds to Unity Day 2009

Update: (26/3/2009) I got to be the compere as well as tell a story! I introduced Tatu Carreta (a great band) and the belly dancers, then told the story of "Jack and the Gun" and a poem about gypsies. Regrettably, I couldn't late stay for Pretty Polly's Beard, but I heard that their ceilidh dance was a blast. The evening made a few hundred quid for Unity Day

Autumn Haiku

Rainy autumn night.
The busy crossroads outside.
I'm glad I met you.