Belly Dancers

A Night of Mirth and Merriment

This year's Unity Day fund-raisers are getting off to a flying start... and I'll be there telling a story or two.

A Night of Gypsy & Folk Music, Mirth and Merriment

Friday 20th March
TJ's Woodhouse Club

Na Zdrove (DJ set)
Tatu Carreta
Pretty Polly's Beard (including celiah!)
Claudio the Gypsy Spy
Banat Eshorouk - Arabian Dance Group

8pm 'till late!
£4 - all proceeds to Unity Day 2009

Update: (26/3/2009) I got to be the compere as well as tell a story! I introduced Tatu Carreta (a great band) and the belly dancers, then told the story of "Jack and the Gun" and a poem about gypsies. Regrettably, I couldn't late stay for Pretty Polly's Beard, but I heard that their ceilidh dance was a blast. The evening made a few hundred quid for Unity Day

Unity Day 2008 Documentary

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The video made by Abdul and Mags from the Oblong Design Collective.

Watch out for yours truly, a minute into the film - my eyes look really googly!

There's a lovely moment where the narrator (Sarah from Oblong) very nearly manages to fluff her lines when describing our canine friends. I think it needed a few takes!